Sagar Kogekar

Sagar Kogekar

Now based in Pune (India), I love helping businesses with their technology to solve problems. With 25 years in the digital industry, I can quickly identify, things that work and don't. This saves a significant amount of time and money for my clients. I founded Webwingz (a creative tech agency) in 2000 and have designed and developed a few online platforms that have been running successfully. We specialise in core strategy, user experience, eCommerce development, custom marketplaces, bidding platforms, fintech products and admin tools to help daily operations. A few of my ventures include: - Simple tool to create and send invoices and quotes - Prescription eyewear at reasonable prices - Marketplace for local artists and creators from South Australia

What is Remittance Advice?

What is Remittance Advice

Before we begin, let’s understand – what is remittance? Remittance is the action of transferring money in payment of goods or as a gift to another bank account. Often business terms seem tricky and can change the whole concept of…

Simple Guide to Start a Tutoring Business

Start a Tutoring Business

“A good teacher is like a candle — it consumes itself to light the way for others.” — Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Though the pandemic has undoubtedly thrown a wrench in conventional learning, the studying struggle persists for students, and anxiety…

Ultimate Guide to Start a Towing Company

Starting a towing company

Hey buddy! Wanna try your business luck and start something that will have a consistent demand for the near future? Then start a towing company. And, if you are interested in cruising the road and helping drivers in need then…

Tips to Ask for Upfront Payment From Clients

Ask for upfront payment

Payment compilation is one of the most common problems of the freelancer community. As per research, 29% of freelancers get paid late. So freelancers must have strong upfront payment strategies to avoid getting bogged down by the financial insecurity that…

How to Write a Contract

write a contract

Whether freelancers or business owners, everyone is drilled with the idea of having an ironclad contract to protect their business. It defines a set of promises or rules that cannot be breached by either of the parties. It is also…