How to Effortlessly Update your Website in Busy Work Schedule

Update your Website in Busy Work Schedule

Is your online retail showroom geared up for mobile shoppers? Well, it comes as no surprise that shopping via smart phones and tablets has become all the rage.

The ecommerce site traffic is ever-increasing from these handy devices. People who are on the go find it really convenient to browse online and shop whenever and wherever they want. Mobile ecommerce not only speed up the buying process but also accelerates the selling game.  As a smart ecommerce retailer, you have to skillfully strategize that how can you make your online store mobile-friendly and attract the e-shoppers. Though more and more ecommerce businesses have understood the significance of mobile marketing, outshining in competition can be tricky but you can pick up the pace by easy techniques. There are some simple and effective tools that will make your e-tail shop, noticeable and engaging.

Take smart pictures through smart phones:  

One of the smartest ways to catch attention of the online shoppers is by beguiling them with product images. Many smart phones and tablets, allow you to click pictures of good quality.

  • You can make use of this whiz feature in an effective way and boost the sales
  • If you are running an apparel store, it is sensible to take picture of the garment by hanging it on mannequin
  • In case of products which need macro-setting, you can possibly use stand and light diffuser. This would allow you to click clear images of small products like gems, jewelry, coins etc
  • While taking pictures of shiny objects, lighting plays a very important role thus create a suitable setting that eradicates the heavy shadows

Create quick product descriptions:

You can be benefited with Universal Product Code, commonly known as UPCs.

  • You can scan the product UPC with your smart phone and save your precious time by eliminating, typing the lengthy product description content
  • With the help of product barcode, you can manage to generate stock information and description
  • You can also optimize the content that is used on desktop website by responsive design


Mobile advertising:

Intelligently planned advertising campaign is a must for marketing your products and services on mobile platform.

  • One of the best techniques is to present your content in form of advertisement
  • Make it gripping, so that site visitors are compelled to share the content
  • You can include social media share buttons to complete the process
  • Game, video or discount is instant attention-grabber and are easily consumed

Create an app:

To give your customers more significant and unique experience, it is ideal to invest in developing a mobile app for your e-store.

  • If you have a good budget, you can develop a mobile app that is Android, iOS or Windows operating system friendly
  • If you have some coding knowledge, you can revamp the content with HTML 5
  • If your mobile app is made available on play store then you can reach larger audience
  • You can be assured with 100% customer engagement with the help of mobile apps. However, creating a full-blown mobile app can be out of question, if you have a tight budget

Small screen devices have become big platforms for online retail business. Since there is a huge potential of increased revenue from mobile devices, it will be imprudent if you overlook this aspect. So enhance the mobile experience of your customers by creating a rich shopping environment for them.
