Painless Process to Test your Business Idea in Just Few Minutes

Test your business

Some ideas can be really productive while some may go up in smoke but how will you identify which idea will work for you better? Let’s get to know about it.

Simple, powerful, innovative, effective, weird, incompetent, all sorts of idea keep on popping up in human brains. Some effective plans may raise your profits as well as your success in business but the hitch is that most of the great ideas are either left unexecuted or untested. You cannot judge the power of your idea until and unless, it is put to test. If you are thinking to kick off a new business, certainly strong idea would act as the foundation.

Although, you must have started smelling money just by the idea, your excitement may soon turn into disappointment if it is left untested and directly executed. Just because you think your business idea is great, doesn’t mean everyone else would feel the same. You can test your idea instantly and that too without spending a dime. This economical move will create a great business impact and will bear out if the business plan would happen as you expected.

So here is a simple process that will test your business idea in just 5 minutes and reveal its level of effectiveness:

Create a landing page

Your first step to test your idea would be to come up with a simple landing page.

  • Keep the landing page straightforward and focus on features that will translate into sales
  • The page should comprise of product information, price, testimonials and of course a button that urges the site visitors to buy
  • The page should highlight the price point to get attention of the targeted audience
  • Make sure you flaunt the actual price which is realistic
  • The product/products which you showcase on the landing page should already exist/built so that you can induce the prospects to buy now
  • Don’t showcase coming soon products or services as you cannot test your business idea on that basis

Measure your success

You will not come to know, how many people have signed up or showed interest in your product, until and unless you get hold of the success metric.

  • Success metric depend upon number of factors like approximate cost of initiating business, development cost, key performance indicators
  • You also need to determine, how much signups will be required that will generate the expected revenue

Time to face your customers

Once your landing page is ready, it is time to launch it and get response from the customers.

  • Google Adwords is an effective and instant technique to target the right audience
  • You can make use of services that will easily create the adwords in a flash
  • After establishing the Google ad, choose appropriate keywords and phrases that match the words in ad copy and landing page
  • Initially, don’t focus on the generic words, just pay attention to crucial keywords

Follow up

So when the experiment is finally done, scrutinize the data collected.

  • Check how many signups you got
  • Once you have identified who have signed up, you can get in touch and discuss with them to know about their needs and expectations
  • Use their insights and see if your idea has won over the customers
  • Modify your experiment as per the customers’ perception and improvise for better outcome after the business launch

Whether your tested idea excels or fails, you are going to get benefited in both ways. Even if you don’t get many interests and decide to drop the idea, you definitely have a chance to feel lucky as you have saved yourself from wasting all your efforts and money. So if any brilliant idea is cropping up in your mind then go ahead and test it Right Now!
