Tell your Employees how much you Love them, this Valentine’s


Love is in the air, love is everywhere!!!  It’s the Valentine’s month and what could be a better time than this to confess your feelings to your loved ones.

This lovable day is not just meant for couples, every individual who share a beautiful relation with someone can express their affection. Why not take this sweet opportunity to communicate your love to your employees?

Okay, before you jump to some weird conclusion, let’s make it clear. We are talking about the companionable love which makes your employees feel valued and cared.  The relationship between boss and employees is unique and fragile, you need to take care of it frequently and whenever you get an opportunity to make this bond strong, just grab it. Your major task for the month of February should be to strengthen your connection with your employees. Expressing love certainly doesn’t mean to gift heart shape presents, Valentine’s greetings or chocolates, it should be something which would make them happier and appreciated.

Here are some ideas to make you employees feel contended:

Don’t follow unfavorable company policies:

Just because your employees came 5 minutes late, is it wise to cut their half day salary or deduct vacations? If you follow such kind of policies, you are surely going to appear as an evil person. You need to tackle with such problems smartly rather than being arrogant as any typical Boss.

  • If any employee is clumsy, solve the problem directly with them
  • Don’t yell at them or shoot the mail to everyone
  • Tackle with their problems, personally as this will create a good image and your gesture would definitely be appreciated by your employees

Eliminate the browbeaters:

‘One bad fish can spoil the pond.’ For a lovey-dovey work environment, you need to eliminate employees who are bullies or play office politics.

  • Some employees might be good at work but due to insane office politics they can just ruin all the harmony and affability present in the office
  • It is better to get rid of them, however if you think, they really work well then you can suspend them and warn not to repeat the habit again
  • If you want to take care of good employees then it is better to fire these foolish people
  • And if these bullies are not good at work then what could be a better reason to expel them

Treat ill treat the ill people:

Since, you have human-beings at work, you cannot expect them to work as machines. In fact even machines breakdown then it is quite natural for humans to fall sick.  Forcing employees to work even in bad health condition will definitely make them think that you don’t love or care for them. It is pointless to cut salary for sick leaves, nobody falls sick for their pleasure.

As a loving boss you should provide paid sick leaves. By allowing one sick person to work, you are making more employees fall sick.

To earn heart, satisfy stomach:

The love for food is universal. To express your love for your employees, more than better work and paychecks, food is much appreciable.  According to a survey, around 60 % of employees believe that good food in office gives them a homely feeling. Bringing in food is small expense with huge benefits.

Be open and flexible:

There is no good thing in continuing the typical boss-employee relationship, you need to change the stereotype. Being friendly and sociable will employees will get you close to them. Remember friendly, not over-friendly.

  • Do you what your most junior employee doing currently? As a great boss, you should know closely about each and every employee in your office, especially when it’s a startup firm or small business
  • Understand your employees’ works, train, support and help them. This is the only way to build trust among your employees and convey how much you value them
  • Excusing them half day leave whenever needed, not being harsh for arriving late to offices are some small gestures which will make them realize how much you trust and have positive feelings for you

Just because it is Valentine time, don’t be so affectionate. Follow this kind of warm behavior all the time so that you can reinforce the bond with your employees and move together to make the business successful.  However, V-day can be a better occasion to start off with.
